Friday, May 3, 2013

Marriage is Sacred

temples are held sacred,only letting in those who practice a healthy and faithful life towards Gods commandments. Everything is white and nothing that is dirty can come into the House of the Lord. Our homes are like unto a temple, a safe haven for when after we are exposed to the adversities of the world our child can run back and renew themselves within the safe walls filled with the spirit. Our bodies are like unto a temple. Keeping anything harmful out and to keep it as pure as possible. The same goes for with a marriage built on the principles of the gospel. a marriage where the goal for both spouses are to reach celestial glory. A marriage is like unto a temple. Being careful what is let in and what will harmfully influence it. To separate from situations and others who bring nothing but contention and harm towards the marriage. There are boundaries, lines that need not to be crossed. It is the union of a relationship that is eternal.....

“Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else” (D&C 42:22). This is the only place in scripture where the Lord asks us to love anything or anyone with all our hearts besides Himself. ~ Three Principles of Marriage: Matthew O Richardson

A must read about the Three Principles of Marriage

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